Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Friday, November 12, 2010

EyeLine Golf Official Improvement BLOG

EyeLine Golf Official Improvement BLOG

Check out this Blog for EyeLine Golf. Hours and hours of information, drills, stats, and more. If you want to put better and or if you love golf, check out there site. If you are a junior golfer and or you are a parent of a junior golfer who wants to play college golf, there is a lot of information here for you.

There is even more information at their website www.eyelinegolf.gom including this diagram which is easy to see, understand, and appreciate.  From this diagram there are two things that stick out right away.  First, Tour Players are really good at 3-5 footers.  Second, Even Tour Players are only making 14% of their 20+ foot putts.  So don't be so hard on yourself about the long ones if they don't go in.  Make sure you practice the long ones enough though to make sure you get them within 3-5 feet of the hole.   Then to make your 3-5 footers, keep your head still, commit to your exact line to putt the ball on, and try to "roll the ball" smoothly to the front of the hole.  

Just click on this diagram to enlarge it for easier viewing.